Arizona SFEC

Arizona Statewide Family Engagement Center (SFEC)

In 2018, Arizona’s SFEC was launched by the National Center for Families Learning (NCFL). Since then, 15 model demonstration hub sites have been established throughout the state. Their goal? To increase parent involvement and academic achievement using evidence-based family engagement and family literacy strategies. Because of Unite for Literacy’s proven solution for building a two-generational approach to family literacy, Unite for Literacy was asked to be part of the service provider collective. The result? Hundreds of Arizona’s children have their own library of age-appropriate, culturally relevant books and are reading them together with their families.

 “Me han ayudado para fomentar la lectura a mis hijos. Ayudar en su aprendizaje.” 

(“They’ve helped me to encourage my children to read. It helps with their learning.”)

~ AZ SFEC Parent

  • Books Distributed


  • Families Engaged


  • Local Creations

  • Languages


Bureau of Indian Education


Fort Morgan, Colorado